Should you release a client who doesn't want the looks you like to create?
Have you ever seen a client walk in and you know, by only their look, who their stylist is? It’s so fun when those matches are made because you know both the stylist and client are having the best time creating the look they both love. That’s the dream.
We stylists have one of the best jobs on the planet, but being around the wrong people can make you question your career choice. A lot of stylists end up quitting because they’re not finding their people or their stride.
Once you’ve had enough experience behind the chair to know what you enjoy creating, you start to notice that you’re not as invested in the clients who get looks you don’t connect with creatively.
You’re doing them a disservice by not releasing them.
There is a stylist out there who loves doing the services you don’t. When you release the clients who want those looks, it gives them a chance to find that stylist. It gives those two the chance to have that “dream” scenario.
Mindset check: More ideal clients than your schedule can handle are out there trying to find you. They won’t find your chair until you’re ready for them, and you won’t be ready for them when you’re too busy doing things you don’t love.
Perspective (Client’s POV) Check: Clients want a stylist who gets excited when they tell them about the look they’re trying to create. They want someone who spends time learning to create these looks and who invests in themselves and the necessary tools.
Think about the best way you can serve your clients, even if what’s best for them is not you.